Monday, December 17, 2007

Mitzel en el fin del mundo (Mitzel at world´s end)

Hello everyone!!
Well, the rest of the group got in yesterday around 3 pm after a full day of traveling... can you say exhaustion!?!? But we´re finally here. Yesterday was a day to rest and get the initial feeling of the town. A group of us went up and down the main road here in Ushuaia looking at places to eat and just getting to know the area a bit. After that, we came back to the hotel, Cap Polonio, and rested before dinner. After dinner, we came back to the hotel and I passed out... I was sooooo tired, I even woke up a bit late this morning for our initial meeting... but I think i´m going to be ok for the rest of the time, I just had to get that out of th way...

Will now turn to some spanish for my family...

No se como explicarles la emocion que siento al estar aqui... Fue un viaje sumamente cansado pero al llegar al aeropuerto y salir de el y ver la inmensidad de montañas y la nieve que las cubria, fue placentero. Ayer tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer un poco de la ciudad y juntarme con amigos para cenar. Despues fue puro dormir, bueno al menos para mi... bueno y ya me conocen = P El dia de hoy tuvimos juntas y trabajos en grupo la mayor parte del tiempo. despues salimos a hacer una busqueda de lugares con la ayuda de frases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mitzel! I'm trying to find you on Google Earth but the maps are a few months old and the government won't let me access one of their satellites! =P Anyway, until they share the wealth, I'll have to be satisfied with reading your blog, which was much better in Spanish btw.
